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Profills Maquinas

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70 funcionários
Fundado em 2013

Descrição da empresa

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We’re a young and bold company, that manufactures filling machines for liquid, pasty and solid products, utilizing cutting edge technology and the best components, with over 1000 machines up and running throughout Brazil and overseas, working on a myriad of products and industries. A growing market needs a superb supplier to meet its demands, both nationally and internationally, for this reason we work tirelessly in the search for new packing solutions. Our team composed of highly qualified professionals, ensuring our clients satisfaction. We work closely with our partners, making food safe and available, everywhere. It’s for you that we develop the very best in packing and filling machines. Globally billions of kilograms of food are consumed and conscious of this we have the mission to deliver this food in a safe, health and wasteless manner. Profills has the fastest delivery of custom designed machines on the market, practicing fair prices with under a win-win policy, taking care of every one of our clients’ needs, every time, for our customer success is our own. We’re always pursuing innovation, set-up and ready for new challenges. MISSION ● To pack the world! VISION ● To be a trustworthy reference of innovation and safety for packages in all the points of sale in the market. CORE VALUES ● Trust, quality, development, experience, client’s satisfaction, and sustainability.
IndustrySetor / Indústria

Products and ServicesProdutos e Serviços
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Informações comerciais

Escritórios em:

Brasil, Colômbia

Principais clientes:

Ambev, Bony Açai, Polpa Norte


ISO 9001, NR-10, NR-12, CE Mark.

Material promocional:

Doc Final-compactado.pdf


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