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45 employees
Established in 2003

Company description

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Cooperativa Nueva Esperanza del Bosque (Conebosque) was founded in 2004 to process and market coffee produced by small and medium growers in the region. It is a small group with 35 producers of which 20% are women. Each farm has an average of 3 to 4 hectares of coffee and is based on altitudes between 1550m and 1600m. Our regional coffee has a general citric and sweet cup profile with an aroma of lemon and chocolate and notes of almond and caramel with a round body. The office and warehouse of the cooperative are located at an altitude 1610 meters above sea level in Aldea el Bosque, a department that belongs to Santa Rosa, Guatemala (45Km from Guatemala City). The cooperative has a wet mill and a dry mill to process its own coffees and have better traceability. La Cooperativa Nueva Esperanza del Bosque (Conebosque) se fundó en 2004 para procesar y comercializar el café producido por los pequeños y medianos productores de la región. Es un pequeño grupo con 35 productores, de los cuales el 20% son mujeres. Cada finca tiene un promedio de 3 a 4 hectáreas de café y se ubica en altitudes entre 1550m y 1600m. Nuestro café regional tiene un perfil general de taza cítrico y dulce con un aroma de limón y chocolate y notas de almendra y caramelo con un cuerpo redondo. La oficina y el almacén de la cooperativa se encuentran a una altura de 1610 metros sobre el nivel del mar en Aldea el Bosque, un departamento que pertenece a Santa Rosa, Guatemala (45Km de la ciudad de Guatemala). La cooperativa cuenta con un molino húmedo y otro seco para procesar sus propios cafés y tener una mejor trazabilidad.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information



Main customers:

Cafeterías, Tostadores, súper mercados



Promotional marketing materials:

CROP20.21 CATACION 07-04-2021.pdf


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This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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