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ARTEK | espaços que comunicam

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5 employees
Established in 2008

Company description

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(PORT) Temos uma grande experiência na concepção e construção de Stands, Eventos e Arquitectura Comercial, Presencial ou Virtual. A ARTEK Stands, Espaços que Comunicam®, materializa projetos a nível nacional e internacional. Uma sólida equipe de profissionais de arquitectura, design industrial, design de interiores e comunicação, aliada a técnicas de gestão e padrões de sustentabilidade, permite abordar projetos globais de elevada complexidade mantendo os padrões de qualidade, eficiência e criatividade. ||||||||||| (ESP) Tenemos una gran experiencia diseñando y construyendo stands, eventos y arquitectura comercial, presencial o virtual. ARTEK Stands, espacios que comunican® diseña y construye proyectos a nivel nacional e internacional. Un sólido equipo de profesionales de la arquitectura, el diseño industrial, el interiorismo y la comunicación, unido a la aplicación de técnicas de gestión y estándares de sostenibilidad, permite abordar proyectos globales de alta complejidad manteniendo los estándares de calidad, eficiencia y creatividad. |||||||||| (ENG) We have a great experience designing and building stands, exhibitions and commercial architecture, face to face or virtual. ARTEK Stands, spaces that communicate® design and build projects at national and internationally. A solid team of professionals of architecture, industrial design, interior design and communication, together with the application of management techniques and sustainability standards, allows us to address high-complexity global projects while maintaining the quality standards, efficiency and creativity.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Australia, Portugal

Main customers:

ANP, Wartsila, Mokveld, Peugeot, Wood plc, Biotronik

Promotional marketing materials:

ARTEK Espacios que Comunican.pdf
ARTEK Spaces that communicate ENG.pdf
ARTEK Espaços que Comunicam.pdf
EVI_Espaços_Virtuais_ ARTEK_PORT.pdf


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What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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People in this company (1)

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