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Supervision Optimax

para calificar esta empresa
88 empleados
Fundada en 1995

Descripción de la empresa

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Supervision Optimax (Supervision), a subsidiary of Supermax Group is a contact lens manufacturing company that produces high-quality soft contact lenses. From semi-finished (dry lenses) to finished products, we offer OEM and OBM contact lens manufacturing to tailor to your business needs. Using leading-edge technology with research and development from the United Kingdom, we develop and produce high-quality, all-day-comfortable lenses in a broad range of single-use, biweekly, and monthly modalities, featuring the advanced Methacryloyloxyethyl Phosphorylcholine (MPC) materials at competitive prices. All of our aspheric design lenses come with a built-in class II UV blocker that blocks 97% of UVB and 87% of UVA radiation. Our lenses are approved by the FDA (US), PMDA (Japan), HSA (Singapore), Anvisa (Brazil), CMDCAS (Canada), KPMG (Korea), MDA (Malaysia), etc. To learn more, visit our website We are currently exporting our products to various parts of the world. Our clients include Contact Lens Manufacturers operating in other countries. If you would like to increase your product lines or to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to organize our Contact Lens Samples to your doorsteps for evaluation. Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp at +6012 282 2778, and indicate the powers you want.
IndustrySector / Industria

Products and ServicesProductos y Servicios
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Información comercial

Oficinas en:

Malasia, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Japón, Canadá, R.A.E. de Hong Kong, China, Singapur, Reino Unido


ISO9001, ISO13485, MDSAP Certificate, US 510K, CE Certificate, Japan PMDA Product Registration Certificate, Singapore HSA Product Registration Certificate, Korea KFDA Product Registration Certificate, China NMPA Product Certificate

Material promocional:

SVO Product Brochure.pdf
PC-58 Lenses (w Logo).jpg
PC-55 Lenses (w Logo).jpg


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