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e-Consulting Global Solutions OÜ

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5 employees
Established in 2021

Company description

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We are a B2B to the consulting industry. We support small & medium consultancies, consulting solopreneurs and business services providers by taking care of the technical and methodological aspects of complex deliveries and digitized business and consulting services, helping them focus on their client’s touchpoints and continuing adding value to their clients and market. We "level the field" by enabling these companies with the same capabilities of their big counterparts so that they focus on quality, flexibility and client service, not on internal capacity building. e-CGS is the “one-stop-shop” for effective and efficient digital and methodological services to let small consultancies focus on what they do best: keep adding value to their clients. We can support them by enabling their firm and services portfolio, with the latest tech and methodological assets: Operations & Processes Consulting - Workflows & BPM capabilities - Process Mining (automated process discovery, reporting and simulation) - CRM for commercial Operations - Robotics Process Automation (RPA) - Best Practice database (APQC) - Reporting and Analytics People and Change - Automation of HR Operations - AI-powered change management - Collaborative environments / Digital Organizational Culture - Competing Values Framework / OCAI processing – completely automated - HR Analytics - e-Learning Infrastructure and development Industry/Function specific capabilities / expertise - Procurement - Logistics - Commercial Operations - Accounting - Collections - FATCA / CRS Reporting 2nd Floor Consulting (Enablement Support to your field team) - BackOffice Operations - Banking and FS Operations - Shared Services Centers
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Estonia, Costa Rica

Main customers:

MMCI Mongolian Institute of Management Consultants, EXYGE.COM, CMC-Global Institute, DO-RH Consultoria, Effective Managers Inc,

Promotional marketing materials:

2022.08 e-CGS Presentation - Executive.pdf


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ConnectAmericas has verified this company holds the following valid certificates at the moment of verification: 6sigma black belt, International Certification CMC-Certified Consultant, ISO20700 Trained Consultant, Official ISO20700 Trainer

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