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12 employees
Established in 2014

Company description

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En nuestra empresa, nos enorgullece ser socialmente responsables y trabajar en colaboración con comunidades de artesanas menos favorecidas. A través de nuestra labor, brindamos guía en términos de diseño y calidad a más de 100 mujeres, permitiéndoles empoderarse y acceder a oportunidades de desarrollo. Nos destacamos por nuestro compromiso con la durabilidad de nuestros productos como bolsos, sombreros y artículos de decoración, utilizando materiales respetuosos con el medio ambiente en su fabricación. Además, diseñamos continuamente para aprovechar al máximo los restos o excedentes generados disminuyendo nuestra Huella de Carbono. Siempre estamos en búsqueda constante de nuevos materiales naturales.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Peru, USA

Main customers:

Shupaca, Misha and Puff, Pas Denom, The Winding Road, Kuna, Zapatería Maestra, Promperu, Alpaca Collection, Maloca Alpaca, SISA, Clear Channel, Chetwyn Farms, BARE Knitwear, Incalpaca


ISO 26000

Promotional marketing materials:



These badges certify that certain information declared by a company has been verified, so it can increase the reliability and visibility of its profile.

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company is legally constituted and the people linked to this enterprise are able to do businesses.

What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company exported goods at least 1 times within the last 12 months.

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People in this company (1)

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