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LAEDC Research


The LAEDC Institute for Applied Economics performs objective economic research and analysis for a wide range of clients, detailing economic impact of development, business operations, and regulation, as well as providing intelligence about specific industry clusters, labor force, and workforce development issues. The Institute’s reports provide decision makers with critical information from which to make informed decisions. In addition to providing on-demand research per client requirements, the Institute also conducts foundational research to ensure LAEDC’s many programs for economic development are on target, including the company’s collaboration with workforce investment boards, its award-winning business assistance program, and its work on the L.A. County Strategic Plan for Economic Development and its cluster development initiatives.


The Institute’s mission is to provide objective and unparalleled economic and policy expertise to our clients and the broader public audience. Please visit our reports page to find a listing that illustrates IAE’s broad depth and experience, and presents just a sampling of the services provided by IAE. Not all reports are publicly available due to confidentiality and client requirements.


Provided by:

Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC)



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