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An Insider's Guide to Fashion Exporting to the European Market

During the three courses that make up CBI’s An Insider’s Guide to Fashion exporter training, companies will learn how to adapt their products to the European fashion market.

Is the design on their drawing board geared towards Europe’s shop windows? Do they recognise the trends for the upcoming fashion cycle? How do they put together a collection that not only catches that cycle – but is priced and marketed correctly to catch the buyer’s eye? This course is especially suited for exporters who already have access to fabrics and raw materials, pattern-making facilities and sufficient export capacity. In this course, professionals will participate in lively, interactive training sessions especially designed for exporters interested in the European garment sector. After completing this training, they will have strong, practical skills to help them capitalise on European trends and cycles. They will share knowledge and experiences with their business peers and learn:

How to put together a collection suited to the European markets; what kinds of marketing mix brings the best return from European customers; practical techniques to help attract buyers; how to calculate costs and set prices; how trade channels affect their distribution and how to focus on the demands of their customers.

Minimum requirements for eligible companies:

Your company is a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME). This company already exports to the European Union or is seriously interested in embarking on it. This course is designed for people directly involved in exporting garments to the EU market (export managers, fashion collection makers, merchandisers, etc.). BSOs involved in advising exporters in the garment sector may also apply. All participants must have an excellent command of the English language.

To learn about CBI´s Fashion Cycle, click here.


Netherlands Netherlands

More info:

For more information, please contact:

  • CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries)
  • Address: Prinses Beatrixlaan 2. 2595 AL The Hague. The Netherlands
  • Phone: +31 (0)88 60 24300
  • Email:

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