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The IAE Business School Center for Entrepreneurship: 25 years creating entrepreneurs in Latin America

IAE Business School is a pioneer and reference in Argentina and Latin America in the promotion and formation of the entrepreneurial activity for more than 25 years. These are the main programs that are in place to promote innovation: 

  • The Entrepreneurship Center: It works with the formation of entrepreneurs, creation of dynamic companies and investigations on the entrepreneurial activity. They offer a variety of activities such as:
  • The NAVES Competition: It is a competition among projects that accompanies entrepreneurs in transforming their business ideas into sustainable businesses. The participants are involved in a formation cycle for entrepreneurs with professors of the IAE Business School. They develop a social capital with access to the “IAE Support Network”, and these contacts are key in taking the first steps. The NAVES Competition includes academic formation in terms of entrepreneurship, access to tutors, mentors and consultants for the resolution of practical issues. Participants also have the opportunity to develop connections with investors, incuubators and other successful entrepreneurs. This combination provides the necessary resources to success in any entrepreneurial activity.
  • Club Business Angels: Provides capital for the entrepreneur. The Entrepreneurship Center and IAE graduates created a unique initiative in Argentina: The Business Angels Club. This club aims to promote the investment conscience. It is oriented towards individuals capable of providing risk capital, knowledge and experience for entrepreneurs and emerging businesses. It is made up of people who have a true entrepreneurial spirit and base their development on the best business practices.
  • Center’s Activities: The Entrepreneursip Center Works with te corporate worls, local and international institutions and government agencies with the objective of promoting the creation of enterprises and the entrepreneurial spirit.


Argentina Argentina

More info:

Pilar Campus:

  • Campus: Mariano Acosta s/n y Ruta Nacional 8 (B1629WWA) Pilar.
  • Buenos Aires. Argentina.
  • Tel. +54 (230) 448.1000 - Fax +54 (230) 448.1050

Rosario Campus:

  • Campus: Paraguay 1950. 2000
  • Rosario. Argentina.
  • Tel. +54 (341) 522.3000

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