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ExporTT Export Market Research Centre

ExporTT offers exporters of goods and services from Trinidad and Tobago access to an Export Market Research Centre (EMRC).

At the EMRC, ExporTT analysts collect information from local and international sources and produce tailored analyses that respond to your needs. 

The services offered at the EMRC are classified into three types:

  • Market Intelligence: Trade Data is often bulky and difficult to understand - The EMRC will operate on the assumption that the job is not complete until the client receives the information that they require and they understand the data that is presented in a way that can be turned into revenue. The EMRC analyses the data and puts it in a form that is palatable to the Exporters so that they can do more with the information than they would if it were simply handed over to them
  • Customised Research: The EMRC enables exporters to “outsource” their research department. It effectively provides quality research services to all exporters regardless of their size, their product and most importantly, regardless of their in house research capacity
  • Analyst Training: The EMRC tries to promote a “Research Culture” so that trade decisions will be made against data and intelligence rather than hunches and instinct. Exporters face global competition from firms with greater production capacities and technologies, and they operate with large budgets and often have better understanding of the markets. The EMRC aims to overcome those challenges by equalizing the playing field so that exporters can expand their exports to current markets and be effective in penetrating new markets.

To request support from the EMRC please contact ExporTT at

The EMRC subscribes to the following leading Market Intelligence Databases:

  • Euromonitor International
  • Kompass
  • Business monitor
  • International Directory of Importers Worldwide
  • Tenders Zeal (Online directory of worldwide construction Tenders)
  • Trade Map
  • Market Access Map
  • Standards Map
  • UN Comtrade
  • World Bank
  • Auma

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Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago

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