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Export opportunities in Nicaragua

PRONicaragua is the official agency of Promotion of Investments and Exports of Nicaragua, created in 2002 by Presidential Decree as a project of the United Nations for development (PNUD). Its missions is to impulse socioeconomic transformation in Nicaragua through promotion of quality investments and exports. PRONicaragua offers free services to qualified investors and exporters interested in exploring business opportunities in Nicaragua. These services include:

  • Complete and relevant information about business opportunities in Nicaragua through personalized packages
  • Organization of visits to the country to hold meetings with institutions and key enterprises in the area of interest
  • Services to facilitate the process of investment and export
  • Information on national products available for export through an Enterprise Directory organized by industry
  • Assessment of requirements of international markets to introduce products
  • Prospectus information to local and foreign enterprises to fin the ideal business partner
  • Structure of the document: Country profile, comparative advantages, Nicaragua exporter profile, business opportunities, logistic costs, Nicaragua, your ideal partner
  • Objectives of the document: Provide relevant information about Nicaragua and the business opportunities the country offers
  • Audience: Importers, exporters and investors
  • Cost: None
  • Others

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Nicaragua Nicaragua

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