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The Direct Assistance Grant Scheme (DAGS) helps business owners finance export activities

The Caribbean Export Development Agency supports firms within CARIFORUM to develop their businesses specifically for export. The agency offers services such as capacity building and technical assistance, access to finance through grants and the provision of useful information and resources to support a business’s needs to become export ready.

The Direct Assistance Grant Scheme (DAGS) is reimbursement grant funding facility specifically designed to provide financial assistance to legally registered firms/individuals/Business Support Organisations (BSOs) with the potential to export their products and services. 

DAGS is a reimbursement facility which means that no monies are advanced to beneficiaries and they will have to incur the full cost of their projects and be reimbursed on completion of their projects. A grant may not be awarded retrospectively.  

In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:

  • Be a firm (i.e. entity, individual or company) legally registered and operating in a CARIFORUM member state; or
  • Be a legally registered Business Support Organization (BSOs) in a CARIFORUM member state partnering with at least two (2) private sector firms;
  • Be firms trading and operational for at least two (2) years supported by last two years financial statements/accounts (no start-ups);
  • Be able to finance and sustain their projects fully at the beginning; that is 100% financing is available prior to project initiation; and
  • Be exporting or demonstrate their potential to export goods and services.

To access more information on eligible projects, funding amounts available, and application guidelines, click here.


Barbados Barbados

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