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Develop Skills for Effective Participation in Trade Fairs in Europe

This five-day CBI training course will help BSO’s develop new skills for future trade fair participation in Europe. Trade fairs are a powerful tool for promoting SME's. BSO’s need to use everything – trade fair selection, public relations, stand design and activities and post-fair evaluation – to the best advantage in order to help the SME’s in their country. It is necessary to know who the players are in their sector. And they must learn from their past trade fair experiences.

In this course BSO’s from around the world will evaluate previous collective trade fair experiences. They  will visit a fair where they will give feedback on stand design and performance on-site. In each phase of this training the BSO will develop practical skills that can be applied directly and immediately. They will be able to:

  • Select the right European trade fair for their business support organisation
  • Prepare and manage a collective trade fair participation and country presentation in Europe
  • Support their BSO members while they participate in the trade fair
  • Gain knowledge and experience in project management, budgeting, stand location and design
  • visitor promotion, public relations, stand behaviour, evaluation and follow-up 
  • Gather information on new concepts in exhibition organisation

Minimum requisites for eligible companies:

You work for a Business Support Organisation (BSO) that is based in one of the CBI target countries. This BSO is actively involved in export promotion to the EU. This training course is aimed at BSO project or middle manager who are responsible for organising collective participation at European tourism fairs. All participants must have an excellent command of the English language.

To learn more about CBI Collective Trade Fair Participation, click here.


Netherlands Netherlands

More info:

For more information:

  • CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries)
  • Address: Prinses Beatrixlaan 2. 2595 AL The Hague. The Netherlands
  • Phone: +31 (0)88 60 24300
  • Email:

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