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Costa Rica: Ministry of Economy offers the PROPYME innovation Fund

What is PROPYME?


Small and Medium Enterprise Support Program (PROPYME) created by Law 8262 is a budget transfer made by the Government of the Republic to the budget of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications (MICITT); with the aim of financing actions and activities aimed at promoting and improving the management capacity and competitiveness of Costa Rican SMEs, through technological development as an instrument to contribute to the economic and social development of the country. 


Who are PROPYME beneficiaries?


Beneficiaries of this fund are all micro, small and medium-sized companies, properly registered and certified by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC) that develop:


  1. Technological development projects (research, product and process development)
  2. Invention patent projects
  3. Technology transfer projects
  4. Human potential development projects
  5. Technological services projects


What does PROPYME offer?


Provides non-reimbursable financial support, a maximum amount of up to eighty percent (80%) of the total cost of an innovation and technological development project. 



To learn more, visit the ministry site


Provided by:

Ministerio de Economía Costa Rica


Costa Rica Costa Rica

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