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CONAPRI highlights the incentives for investing in Venezuela

The National Council for Investment Promotion (CONAPRI) provides specialized investment assistance for successful decision-making in a rapidly changing environment.

  • Foreign Direct Investment: Traditionally, investment flows have been concentrated in manufacturing activities, telecommunications and banking. Historically, major investor countries have been: United States, Japan, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Colombia. Learn more about the incentives that Venezuela provides for foreign investors.
  • Venezuela in Context: The Venezuelan economy has been characterized by a significant dynamic communications sector as part of non-oil activities recorded in the country. Discover other strategic sectors for investment in Venezuela.
  • Legal Environment: The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, promotes the development of the national economy with the joint participation of the State and equal treatment of domestic and foreign investors in the country. Learn more about the national and international legal environment for investing in Venezuela.

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Venezuela Venezuela

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