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Colombia: The Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce launches the "Barranquilla Responde" credit line

The Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce in alliance with the Santo Domingo Foundation have made available resources from the Barranquilla Responde mayor's office of credit to put at the service of micro and small companies located in the city of Barranquilla, so that they can apply for loans financial services with special rates, and in this way they can leverage the economic reactivation of their activities.




  1. Be a micro or small business
  2. Have your commercial registration renewed to 2020
  3. Exercising an economic activity that is allowed to operate by the National Government
  4. Access the Barranquilla Responde line credit for up to $ 10 million 



The CCB will assume the payment of interest for 3 months during the grace period of the loan that the FSD approves under the Barranquilla Responde line (applies for loans up to $ 10 million).



  1. Legal person
  2. Financial Statements for the last two years, and partial 2020, with notes.
  3. Income statement for the last two years. (2017 and 2018)
  4. Shareholding structure.
  5. Chamber of Commerce with an issue date not less than 90 days.
  6. Signed authorization form for consultation and report in risk buros.
  7. Rut.
  8. Photocopy of identity card of the legal representative.



If you want to know more about this opportunity, visit the chamber of commerce site


Provided by:

Cámara de Comercio de Barranquilla


Colombia Colombia

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