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Capacity building for small and medium sized firms in Trinidad and Tobago

To help boost the competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized firms in Trinidad and Tobago, NEDCO provides business advisory services through two key services:

  • Entrepreneurial Training Institute & Incubation Centres (ETIIC): at these centers, NEDCO staff provides specialized knowledge/advisory services in all areas of entrepreneurship and SME development. Find out more by clicking here
  • Business Development Officers: these experts located at 14 branch locations can offer support on critical issues such as marketing, financial management, business planning, supply chain management etc... Reach out to an officer at any NEDCO locations

Here are some additional resources by NEDCO:

  • To access the Business Plan form, please click here.
  • To access the Elements of a Business Plan form, please click here.

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Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago

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