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WEConnect International

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Estados Unidos

Descrição da empresa

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Our Mission WEConnect International helps women-owned businesses succeed in global value chains. WEConnect International identifies, educates, registers, and certifies women's business enterprises based outside of the U.S. that are at least 51% owned, managed, and controlled by one or more women, and then connects them with multinational corporate buyers. Our Vision A world in which women have the same opportunity as their male counterparts to design and implement business solutions that create wealth and ensure the sustainable prosperity of their communities. What We Do Educate: We raise awareness among corporate citizens globally on the fact that women business owners are key players in global economic development and sustainability. Train: We coach women business owners to build the capacity to scale their operation and sell successfully to major regional and global corporations. Assess: We identify women owned businesses and evaluate the business readiness of women-owned businesses to participate as certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) vendors in the supplier diversity and inclusion programs. This assessment includes compliance with the universal standards for a WBE and approved companies are recognized by major regional and global corporations through our groundbreaking Seal of Certification Process. Connect: We break down the barriers that prevent women business owners from thriving by helping them to interact with peers and gain access to growth opportunities with major regional and global corporations.


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