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WhiteJaguars Cyber Security

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Costa Rica
26 funcionários
Fundado em 2016

Descrição da empresa

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WhiteJaguars® is a group or experts in information security fields such as Cyber Security, Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking) and Application Security (Continuous Security Testing, DevSecOps, Secure SDLC), we started in 2016 as the result of joined efforts of several information security professionals that used to work as consultants for international companies based in Costa Rica, our business model is focused on providing high quality security services at a very competitive cost thanks to the growing economy in Costa Rica, international companies find our services to be their best option for making sure their outsourced or nearshore operations follow tight global security standards. Our team is committed to provide the best and competitive combination of knowledge, skills, mentoring and collaboration for helping our customers to move their security programs to the next level. Our mission is to secure the way applications are developed and help people to protect themselves from cyber threats by providing security awareness and exposing the risk on information technology systems so that can be addressed before any threat actor can exploit it. Get in touch:
IndustrySetor / Indústria

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Informações comerciais

Escritórios em:

Costa Rica

Principais clientes:

SNAP Technology, Cuestamoras, COLYPRO, Universidad EARTH, Grupo Pelon, Produtel ESM, Fiserv, CCSS


Certified Ethical Hacker - CEH, CISA, ITIL, ISTQB


Cámara de Comercio Costa Rica

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