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YuP Comunicação

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8 funcionários
Fundado em 2001

Descrição da empresa

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We do strategic and branding design We help brands to relate to people, conquer their space in the market and in the heart of the consumer, attracting looks and ganging fidelity from their customers. Our role is to make brands and people have happy stories. We invested time, head and heart to understand the people behind the marks and create unique, totally customized projects. And of course, lubberating design! Our specialties: Strategy (Branding) Here is where we develop the strategy that will guide the work of design and communication. • Diagnosis of the brand (investigation). • Positioning for brands of companies and products. Voice, attributes, verbal identity. • DNA and brand platform. • Brand architecture. • Naming. Design Here is where everything gains shape, colors, personality and functionalities, • Logo and visual identity. • Institutional materials. • Packaging design. • Editorial design. • Environmental design. • Signaling (internal, external, identificatory, safety and for tourism). • Events. COMMUNICATION Here is where the brand gains voice and legs to develop. • Communication planning. • Endomarketing planning. • Campaigns. • Relationship and positioning actions. • Planning and design for events. Support Tools Here is where it guarantees that the essence will always be present. • Brand manual. • Visual identity manual. • Application Manual.
IndustrySetor / Indústria

Products and ServicesProdutos e Serviços
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Principais clientes:

Renault, Nissan, Grupo Marista, PUCPR, Fundação Copel, O Boticário, Contabilista,


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