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RIPORTICO Engenharia Lda.

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120 funcionários
Fundado em 2004

Descrição da empresa

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RIPORTICO Engenharia is a Portuguese consulting company with a wide range of services for the Energy and Infrastructure sectors, and for the Industry and Services sectors. Founded in 2004, in Cabanas de Viriato, in the district of Viseu, RIPORTICO is a company with an international vocation and was distinguished as an SME Excellence in 2019, for the quality of its performance and risk profile. The company has been registering over the last few years a strong growth in the markets where it operates, with special emphasis on the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, specifically in Mozambique and Cape Verde. RIPORTICO provides services throughout the national territory and in the other geographies where it is present, in the areas of Energy, Bioclimatic Architecture and Energy Efficiency, Technical Execution Projects, Project Management, Construction Supervision, Environmental Impact Studies, Quality Control, Archeology and Anthropology, among others. RIPORTICO assumes itself as a leading company in the markets where it operates, seeking to build a high quality brand, based on rigor and technical excellence, but also on innovation, the use of technology, technical rigor and the search for a final result that exceeds the highest expectation of each client.
IndustrySetor / Indústria

Products and ServicesProdutos e Serviços
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Escritórios em:

Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Brasil


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