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Linguistic Areté LLC

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Estados Unidos
26 funcionários
Fundado em 2010

Descrição da empresa

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We all know that good communication is essential in business but, when multiple languages keep you from multimillion dollar deals, good business becomes impossible. Don't let your company or your business lose out because of a language barrier. Our company specializes in exceptional expert translation and world-class interpretation services. The international market is a competitive one and with the global business community growing every day, knowing what to say and how to say it is no longer a luxury. Let us help you organize your information, help you plan your next meeting, create files and forms, and even help you plan essential conference calls. Our teams are comprised of top-notch professionals and specialist who deal in industries such as the automotive, business and finance, traditional and renewable energy sources, legal, medical, oil, gas, mining, life sciences, and crucial patent services. With such a diverse team, we are more than up to the task of connecting your business to the world and the world to your business.

IndustrySetor / Indústria

Products and ServicesProdutos e Serviços
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Informações comerciais

Principais clientes:

law firms, manufacturers, oil/gas, IT, investors


DBE (Michigan & Louisiana)




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