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Hispanic Retail Chamber of Commerce (HRCOC)

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Estados Unidos

Descrição da empresa

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The Hispanic Retail Chamber of Commerce is an umbrella organization merging the efforts of our membership by providing consulting services, seminars, workshops, marketing, networking, legislative information and procurement opportunities to our membership.

We are an organization of businesses whose main function is to promote and facilitate business to all US Hispanic Retailers. HRCOF stands for promoting business and preserving the traditions of our community. The HRCOF is filling a void in all Hispanic Retail sector in US, makes it well placed to represent medium and small retail businesses.

Today, the Hispanic business community is the fastest growing sector of the US economy. The US Hispanic market alone produces revenue of billions of dollars a year. Your HRCOF is a vital access point for business opportunity in our Hispanic Business community as well as to our growing representation.

IndustrySetor / Indústria

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