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Courses by INDES (Inter-American Development Bank)

The Inter-American Development Bank through INDES has become a leader in professional development training in Latin America and the Caribbean, capitalizing on the knowledge and experience of the Bank in the region. We offer online and face-to-face courses, as well as open educational resources.

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Online courses

Our online courses are developed through a virtual classroom (Moodle platform) where participants can access the modules, documents, videos, and forums. This virtual platform enables the participant to attend the classroom from any location and at a time that is most convenient for the participant. At the same time, the online courses allow for a greater diversity of opinions because the participants are from different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and because they work in various organizations, such as public agencies, private businesses, NGOs, universities, international agencies, the media, guilds, etc.

For more information about the available INDES courses, please click here

Open Educational Resources

The Inter-American Development Bank and INDES committed to improve the knowledge accessibility in Latin American and the Caribbean, provide their Open Educational Resources (OER). OER are open and free teaching, learning, and research resources. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. Depending on their license, OER resources may be used according to the 4 Rs:

  • Reuse: To reuse the content in its unaltered form (e.g., save a copy of the resource to read later on)
  • Redistribute: To share copies of the original content with others (e.g., sharing content with another individual)
  • Remix: To combine an original idea with other content to create something new (e.g., incorporate content into a blog in order to enrich it)
  • Revise: To adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the original content (e.g., translate the content into another language)

OER are open, free and available for everyone, without tutor and has not start/end date, enabling the participant to learn at his/her own path. Learn more about the two types of intelectual property licences under which you may use OER resouces from IDB-INDES.

For more information about the available Open Educational Resources, please click here

PM4R Project Management for Results

PM4R is an IDB initiative implemented by INDEs aimed at strengthening the project management capabilities in Latin America and the Caribbean, thus enabling individuals, firms, and organizations reach their objectives on time and on budget. PM4R promotes the use of modern tools for project management consistent with international good practices established by the Project Management Institute (PMI), and Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE) through:

  • Online courses for Implementing Units of IDB Projects
  • Face-to-face workshops for project teams
  • Knowledge Communities for participants in PM4R courses
  • Events and Dissemination of Lessons Learned   

 For more information about the PM4R initiative (only available in Spanish), please click here



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