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Publish your business opportunities

If you want to buy or sell products, provide or hire services, partner with other companies or find suppliers, send us your proposals. We will publicize them in our communities, on social media and in our newsletters.

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Published by ConnectAmericas

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Do you want to sell a product or service? Do you need an export partner or a supplier for your business? Do you want to contact new customers? makes it possible for you to publish and share business opportunities in 5 easy steps:

  1. Create your company profile at
  2. Make sure to include as much information as possible, such as photos of your products, your logo and your website
  3. Request verification for your company
  4. Publish your business opportunity in the communities related to your business
  5. Additionally, send your post to so that we can publicize your opportunity in our newsletter and on social media

If you have any questions about how to create a company profile and verify it, visit our help center.

More services

Remember that ConnectAmericas, the first social network for businesses in the Americas, created by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) provides free online courses, articles and videos about international trade, trends and entrepreneurship.

ConnectAmericas also organizes events and business roundtables, in addition to giving you access to special discounts from Google and DHL, two of the platform’s anchoring partners.

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