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Participate in the ConnectAmericas Challenge

Have you ever had to do business in completely different cultural contexts? Have you had to sign contracts with clients much larger than you? How have you navigated conflicts with suppliers or strategic partners beyond the borders of your home country?

The ConnectAmericas Challenge invites you to create a 90 second video in which you tell a story about your company that we can learn from. It can be about a challenge, an anecdote or a situation that you have lived through that might be of interest to the community and serve as an inspiring experience in the world of international business.

Why participate in the ConnectAmericas Challenge?

  • It’s a unique opportunity to promote your company to our community of over 15,000 people
  • You could win one of the 5 prizes of US$5,000 each to attend a business summit or take corporate training classes abroad

Participating is easy, follow these 3 steps:

  1. Record a video of up to 90 seconds with your company’s success story and upload it to
  2. If you’re not yet a member of, register here. Then go to and follow the instructions to upload your video
  3. Ask your friends to sign up at to vote for your video

Watch this tutorial for uploading videos to YouTube and to

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