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Do you know the regulation about the Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of the container?

Safety is crucial in shipping, and the fact that cases have occurred where shippers have incorrectly declared the weight of packed container, has increased risk or even caused accidents during transport.

Since July 2016, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through the SOLAS initiative, has implemented a new regulation that requires shippers to verify and provide the packed container’s verified gross mass (VGM) before it can be loaded into a ship.

Maersk Line (of Maersk Group) tells you in this video about the regulation and its impact on shippers, the container weighing methods and the data submission options.


More information:


  • Know more about the VGM regulation, weighing methods and how to submit the information with Shipping Line SeaLand of Maersk Group.
  • Contact SeaLand if you are interested in more information to make an ocean freight booking in the Americas.
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