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NAMDEVCO quality assurance programmes

The Quality Assurance (QA) Department provides QA systems which enable the application and verification of controlled measures, intended to assure the safety and quality of food. QA systems are a set of controls implemented and verified by the responsible actors at each step of the food production chain. These actors may include input suppliers, producers, farmers, fishermen, food processors, retailers, distributors, storage and transport personnel.

The QA Services provided by NAMDEVCO include:

  • Farm Certification
  • Farm Monitoring
  • Exhibitions and Workshops
  • Training for Farmers
  • Technical Assistance
  • Facilitates Farmers Access to Loans (ADB)

For more information, please click here



Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago

More info:

To request this service, please contact your Field Officer or Quality Assurance Department at (868) 647-3218/3866.

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