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Fair Trade certification in Nicaragua

Find out about the Fair Trade system and apply to obtain fair trade certifications for your products. Fair Trade is a system of ethical certification with a social focus. It offers products and workers the opportunity to improve their lives and plan for their future. On the other hand, it offers consumers an effective way to reduce poverty and instigate change through their everyday purchases.

Fairtrade is a non-profit organization based in Bonn, Germany, which sets the standards for fair trade. Its web site provides information about:

  • Required Standards: in this section you can find the criteria that applies to differente types of companies (eg small producer organizations, hired labor, contract production, and more)
  • Fairtrade Certification by Product: this section provides specific information about various products including bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, flowers, fresh fruit, honey, and gold 
  • Support available to producers: This section lists the certificates and information on how to become certified producers
  • Resources: This section contains written and audiovisual information about the program´s accomplishments, impact studies and more. It also provides useful links to relevant websites and news.

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Nicaragua Nicaragua

More info:

For a presentation in Spanish on Fair Trade by CEI available in the MIFIC page, please click here (in Spanish).

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