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Paradise Ingredients

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Costa Rica
425 employees
Established in 1979

Company description

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Paradise Ingredients is a Costa Rican company formerly owned by Nestle that sells processed tropical fruits. Paradise Ingredients signature product is banana puree as a b2b ingredient with many alternatives as baby food, organic, Rainforest Alliance, fortified, etc. The company also owns Newvana a drinks and beverage brand that sells nonalcoholic cocktail mixers and functional beverages in 1 liter carton aseptic presentation.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

Nestle, Coca Cola, Mercantum


INTE / ISO 9001:2015, INTE / ISO 45001:2018, INTE / ISO 14001:2015, FSSC 22000, Halal, SGF ( IRMA ), Rainforest Alliance



Promotional marketing materials:

Catalogo Paradise Ingredients.pdf


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