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Interview with Luis Robbio, CEO of Belatrix

Robbio revealed to ConnectAmericas how his software company works from Argentina and Peru. The enterprise develops software for companies in the United States, Canada and England.

“We export 97% of our services and our obsession is to offer people opportunities. We have 200 workers in Mendoza and 60 in Lima”, Luis Robbio told ConnectAmericas during an interview conducted at the Outsource2LAC forum. 

Although the company was born in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, it opened a development center in Lima, Perú, to extend its service-rendering capacity. Belatrix is a family-owned company and this is why Robbio highlights the work achieved through the professionalism of his children, who are leading the company’s international expansion.  

View the complete video where Robbio describes in more detail what steps the company has taken to grow.

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