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Learn how the Caribbean Export Development Agency helps businesses enter foreign markets

The Caribbean Export Development Agency supports firms within CARIFORUM to develop their businesses specifically for export. The agency offers services such as capacity building and technical assistance, access to finance through grants and the provision of useful information and resources to support a business’s needs to become export ready.

Export Development Programs offered:

  • Access to Finance: As a business owner, are you ready to satisfy your ambitions to grow your business? Do you have exciting ideas for new products or services as well as new markets, but lack the funds and know-how to make it happen? Help is available.
  • Building and Technical Assistance: Caribbean Export is all about fostering environments for the successful advancement of trade and investment within the region.
  • Caribbean Exporter's Toolkit: Any business can export products or services but the process can be complex and challenging and success is far from guaranteed. Yet, when it is approached with careful deliberation, exporting can be a rewarding growth strategy for any business.
  • Food Portal: The Caribbean has been a player in the Specialty Food market for more than twenty-five years. The awareness and interest in Caribbean food products have been growing internationally especially in major urban market centers in the US and in the EU in particular the UK.

To explore success stories of entrepreneurs that have benefitted from the Caribbean Export Development Agency export development programs, click here.

Resources for taking advantage of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA:

The Economic Partnership agreement (EPA) is an instrument of trade partnership between CARIFORUM and the EC. It is more than a free trade agreement (FTA), as it contains a strong development component with clear links to development aid for adjustment and modernization of CARIFORUM economies. The Caribbean Export Development Agency provides guidance on taking advantage of this agreement through specialized guides and technical assistance.


Barbados Barbados

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