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Cartagena Te amo SAS

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2 employees
Established in 2020

Company description

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Somos locales apasionados por brindarte una experiencia única e inolvidable. Conoce nuevas noticias y concejos llenos de posibilidades para idear una aventura que sobrepase tus expectativas, en un concepto de turismo único. Reservado para almas aventureras con pasión por descubrir cada rincón de este paraíso llamado Cartagena. Con la ayuda de un personal con potencial humanamente talentoso en hacerte vivir una experiencia positiva e inolvidable. Gracias por elegirnos y hacer de este viaje una herencia de vida. Con la oferta cultural más diversa de la ciudad, tenemos como propuesta de valor: La cultura de la sostenibilidad y turismo incluyente, por medio del contacto directo con las fibras de la Cartagena talentosa y alegre que todos podemos conocer, ven y haz parte de una familia con las ganas de innovar hacia el cambio positivo, donde lo importante es dejar tu huella en el desarrollo y progreso de la ciudad! We are passionate locals who take pleasure in providing you with a unique and unforgettable experience with the most diverse cultural offerings of the city. With our news and travel tips and our unique concept of tourism, you will encounter new depths of possibilities, allowing you to dream up an adventure that will exceed your expectations. Reserved for adventurous souls with the passion to discover every corner of this paradise called Cartagena, our attentive and talented staff will piece together your most memorable and authentic getaway or “stayaway” with our personalized bookings and tours. With the most diverse cultural offerings of the city, we always do our work with our key value in mind: To promote the culture of sustainable tourism by keeping in direct contact with the fibers of humanity in our cheerful city of Cartagena. Come and become a part of a family with the desire to innovate our way towards positive change, where the important thing is to leave your mark on the development and progress of such a magical and rapidly changing city. Twitter: Instagram: @CartagenaTeAmo
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Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

nacionales & extranjeros


Amcham Colombia - Cámara de Comercio Colombo Americana

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Diseño sin título (71).jpg


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This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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