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1 employee
Established in 2001

Company description

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Contextura is the southern Brazilian brand that combines fashion and art through the culture of sustainability. We produce Slow Fashion Premium line (clothes and accessories), own brand and private label. We provide consultancy services and develop solutions for industrial textile production surpluses. Our differential is the use of artistic creation processes in designs for copyright prints and tactile textures resulting from the upcycling of textile waste from the production line and post-use, applying proprietary textile bonding technology with non-polluting natural adhesives. We seek B2B customers, committed to the Sustainable Development Goals_ODS_ONU_Agenda 2030 and circularity, guaranteeing the constant innovation required by the fashion market. Contextura es la marca del sur de Brasil que combina moda y arte a través de la cultura de la sostenibilidad. Producimos la línea Slow Fashion Premium (ropa y complementos), de marca propia y etiqueta privada. Brindamos servicios de consultoría y desarrollamos soluciones para los excedentes de producción textil industrial. Nuestro diferencial es el uso de procesos de creación artística en diseños para estampados y texturas táctiles resultantes del upcycling de residuos textiles de la línea de producción y post-uso, aplicando tecnología propia de unión textil con adhesivos naturales no contaminantes. Buscamos clientes B2B, comprometidos con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible_ODS_ONU_Agenda 2030 y la circularidad, garantizando la innovación constante que exige el mercado de la moda. Contextura é a marca sulbrasileira que alia moda e arte através da cultura da sustentabilidade. Produzimos Slow Fashion linha Premium (roupas e acessórios), marca própria e private label. Prestamos serviços de consultorias e desenvolvimento de soluções para excedentes de produção industrial têxtil. Nosso diferencial é o uso de processos artísticos de criação em desenhos para estampas e texturas táteis autorais resultadas do upcycling de resíduos têxteis de linha de produção e pós-uso, aplicando tecnologia própria de colagem têxtil com adesivos naturais não poluentes. Buscamos clientes nacionais e internacionais, B2B, comprometidos com os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável_ODS_ONU_Agenda 2030 e a circularidade, garantindo a inovação constante exigida pelo mercado de moda.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

GVerri Store, Open Design Store


ProGlobal (Sebrae RJ), TexBrasil (Abit-Apex), SomosMag (Moda Autoral Gaúcha

Promotional marketing materials:

close lenço_150.jpg


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What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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People in this company (1)

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