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You are being redirected to the platform Enko where you can access 100% free resources to boost your business. This is a collaboration between Visa and Connectamericas for Women.


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30 employees
Established in 2000

Company description

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Nosotros Somos una empresa que ofrece soluciones tecnológicas diseñadas de acuerdo con las necesidades de nuestros clientes, y con más de 20 años de experiencia en el mercado; asesorando, implementando y transformando las áreas de tecnología de nuestros clientes. Nuestro mercado objetivo son empresas locales y multinacionales en los sectores de Gobierno, Financiero, ONG, Comunicación, TELCO, Energía, Comercio e Industria. ________________________________________________________________________________________ About us We are a company that offers technological solutions designed according to the needs of our clients, we have more than 20 years of experience in the market; advising, implementing and transforming the technology areas of our clients. Our target market is local and multinational companies in the Government, Financial, NGO, Communication, TELCO, Energy, Commerce and Industry sectors.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information



Main customers:

Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, Corporación El Rosado, Almacenes De Prati entre otros


ISO 9001:2015

Promotional marketing materials:

Presentación-Synergy_SPA 2021.pdf
Presentación-Synergy_ENG 2021.pdf


These badges certify that certain information declared by a company has been verified, so it can increase the reliability and visibility of its profile.

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company is legally constituted and the people linked to this enterprise are able to do businesses.

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company holds the following valid certificates at the moment of verification: ISO 9001 , ISO 27001

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People in this company (1)

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