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Discover the communities that ConnectAmericas created in 2015

Global Health, Opportunities for the Majority, Handicrafts, Creative and Cultural Businesses, and Women in Business have more and more users joining.

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Published by ConnectAmericas

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ConnectAmericas communities were created to promote business opportunities and assess trends and information regarding new industry niches, among other developments. Get involved, strength is in the numbers! You can find partners, information of interest or prospective customers.

Below we present the most recent communities:

  • Global Health: gathers health service providers such as hospitals, clinics, clinical labs; professionals from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries; medical tourism professionals; suppliers of input, medical devices and IT solutions, among others.   
  • Opportunities for the majority: the Opportunities for the Majority (OMJ) initiative created in 2007 by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) promotes and finances sustainable business models involving private sector companies, local governments and communities developing and providing quality goods to the base of the social and economic pyramid (BoP) in Latin America and the Caribbean. OMJ seeks to increase productivity, integrate low income populations into the formal economy, create jobs and supply quality goods and services to the 360 million individuals in Latin America and the Caribbean at the BoP.    
  • Handicrafts: geared towards business owners in the handicrafts sector and buyers and suppliers of input for this sector. Its purpose is to establish a space where they can connect and do business within their countries and abroad. Globally, the handicrafts sector represents a US$110 billion market (2014). The main buyer markets are United States (17%), United Arab Emirates (15%) and Hong Kong (13%).
  • Creative and cultural businesses: offers companies that generate, produce and distribute intellectual content in the region the possibility of joining a virtual ecosystem that connects clients, suppliers and investors in the region and the world, as well as access to information and training in the sector and how to effectively carry out international transactions and obtain pertinent information regarding available financing opportunities for companies.
  • Women in business: especially designed for female entrepreneurs and business owners in the region, however anyone interested in supporting a larger participation of women in business is welcome.  Its objectives is to provide a space that allows women business owners to connect directly and explore business opportunities (purchase/sale/partnerships), learn from the experience of other women entrepreneurs, exchange relevant information to strengthen business and leadership skills and obtain first-hand information on events, discounts, online courses and much more. 
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