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United Arab Emirates
14 employees
Established in 2009

Company description

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The Arab Colombian Chamber of Commerce, created 13 years ago which objective is to open channels of understanding to promote culture, trade, tourism, investment and education through seminars, workshops, webinars and academic and commercial missions to the Arab countries. We are part the joint statement signed between the representatives of the Latin American Arab chambers of commerce and the Arab World. The historic agreement seeks to "promote rapprochement between the chambers for the benefit of economic and trade relations between Arab countries and Latin America." The pact includes the joint development of seminars, market studies and economic forums, as well as the coordinated promotion of trade, training and the strengthening of institutional structures. Looking for complementing the services and support for Latin American companies in all sectors and sizes, was established the LatinoAmerica Business Center in the United Arab Emirates, a branch of the Arab Colombian Chamber of Commerce. We build a successful path for all companies who want to begin their internationalization process to the MEASA region (Middle East, Africa and South Asia) providing support, accompaniment and guidance to reach this market. Some of the services: Visibility of your product in the Business Center, fairs and events, promoting networking between buyers and sellers, Market Knowledge, Business opportunities Identification and Company registration with special tariffs and services thanks a MOU signed with KIZAD Free Zone, part of AD Ports, a government entity in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE, creating the first Latin America Business Center in Abu Dhabi.

IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait

Promotional marketing materials:

Brochure de Misiones y Ferias Comerciales 2023[78].pdf
LABC Esquema de Servicios 2023[55].pdf


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