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The perfect name for your business

Business owners should to devote sufficient time to find the name that fits the objectives of the company.

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Published by VISA Empresarial

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Sooner or later an entrepreneur will have to decide what you name the business will have. And while it seems a simple task, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to find the perfect name, which can often lead to the success or failure of the business.

Keep in mind that the name of a company will be the greeting card and the first image you want to convey to clients. In addition, the name is supposed to transcend in time until the company becomes a great company, which is the natural desire of most entrepreneurs.


  • Target Market: To choose the ideal name, it is important to know the market segment that you want to reach with your products and services. If you have defined your service or product and the market you want to reach many ideas for names should come to mind.
  • Display a concept: The name you choose should mean much more than the service or product. You want to provide a reference to the quality, benefit or competitive prices offered. An example is: Maxibodega Amalia (a convenience store where one can find everything).
  • Easy to remember: The names should be short and easy to pronounce and recall. Many recommend that you name just two strokes that can listen well and make an impact like Red Bull or Nokia is chosen.
  • Inspire customers: Some choose a name and select the appropriate words to inspire some feelings in the client. For example, some use “Grandpa's Farm” or “Mama's kitchen”, which are very positive terms and remind us very important to all people.
  • Direct reference to the product: Another strategy is to choose a name making direct reference to the service or product. The names of Burger King (burger), La Casa del Alfajor or Pizza Hut give us an idea from the beginning of what the business is about. Overall, although the name is a very important aspect in a business although not everything. One must always will prioritize the work itself so that the name becomes a brand that ensures product quality and service.


Once you have chosen name, you must ensure that it is available, and register it. To do this the business owner should approach the trademark offices of the market that you are operating in. Check to see if any other business is already using similar names too.

Another important aspect to take into account the domain registration online. Ideally, take the same name as the company, but it is not always possible. You have to think that our name can reach an international market, and for that you should be careful to avoid names with another meaning in other cultures or languages. A famous example is the Mitsubishi Montero, called the Pajero in the rest of the world.

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