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BRICS+ Business Services 2016 - Global Summit

BRICS+ Business Services 2016 - Global Summit

July 12, 2016 to July 14, 2016

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BRICS+ BUSINESS SERVICES 2016 summit is a landmark international event in the area of business services, outsourcing and service governance. Leading Russian and international experts will share their experience in reducing operational costs, introducing new services, and will discuss new business models in current economic situation. This year summit will become a platform for representatives from government departments, private industry and service companies experiencing similar issues in various BRICS+ countries to discuss possible solutions and approaches.

Association of strategic outsourcing ASTRA together with software development association RUSSOFT is organizing this summit. The main theme of the conference is innovation in services and outsourcing including service integration and multi-sourcing, digital services, social outsourcing, international service supply chain, Internet of Things that converts traditional industries into service industries, customer experience in services and outsourcing.

Current global challenges, economic and geopolitical turbulence in Russia and the world create new risks. This demands new approaches and business models both for service suppliers and outsourcing customers. Summit participants will receive latest information about current status and market trends from leading international experts. Russian and foreign outsourcing customers will share their experience and real life business cases.

An important item on the agenda is the third Meeting of Leaders of National Service Associations in BRICS+ countries aimed at creation of the international association confederation GSSI (Global Sourcing Silkway Initiative). Executives of national associations of China (CITSA), Mexico (CANIETI), Brasil (BRASSCOM), Latin America (ALES), Belorussia (Infopark) and Baltic states (INFOBALT) are invited to attend. They will discuss cooperation in the global markets, localization programs, government support of local industry and service export.

Check the Invited Experts and the Summit's Agenda!




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