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para calificar esta empresa
5 empleados
Fundada en 2020

Descripción de la empresa

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We are a software company focused on mobile development that works in recognized and quality-demanding markets such as the American and European markets. We work with a solid and reliable tech stack that allows us to provide high-quality solutions to startups and software factories that need extra resources to scale their team. We always offer the best client-specific solution with transparency and commitment all the way through, so if you are not a technical co-founder, rest assured that we will advise you by using our engineering expertise and gathered experience from continuously creating, developing, and validating our own MVPs. We want your product to succeed, multidisciplinary devoted teams who adapt to clients' needs using agile methodologies lay down the pillars of our company and help us create relationships that last forever.
IndustrySector / Industria

Products and ServicesProductos y Servicios
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Información comercial

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Principales clientes:

Sanno, KatDog, Strobe, Swell


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¿Qué significa este badge?

ConnectAmericas ha verificado que esta empresa está legalmente constituida y que las personas vinculadas a la empresa están habilitadas para hacer negocios.

¿Qué significa este badge?

ConnectAmericas ha verificado que esta empresa ha exportado servicios 1 veces en los últimos 12 meses.

Información de contacto

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