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Helpways SRL

para calificar esta empresa
4 empleados
Fundada en 2014

Descripción de la empresa

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Smart Women is a Business Unit of Helpways SRL. It is a female talent Human Cloud. A Women Professional Network for Legal, compliance, Financial and STEM+D services. Talent for Export, Beyond the Glass Ceiling We are committed to meeting the following SDG Goals with our strategy: The excellence in the Quality of the Services that we wish to provide to the community is a tangible value in the quality of life that, as a result, it will change and create a better future for the new empowered, trained, STEM, financially independent women. This would be work on ODS 5: Gender Equality ODS 10: reduced Inequaliities application We want Companies/Customers as partners that are really focused on getting ODS targets, helping them to find talent and leadership, without excuses! Partners committed on ODS 17 - Parterships for the Goals Smart Women will train new profiles in order to create new Job Roles oriented to the new work demand. Professionals of many different disciplines, but with strong STEM skills in order to answer the new work challenges and new Job Roles from any place of Latam and the world. In this way we can contribute to ODS 8 Decent Work and Economic growth Some of Our strong skills are Compliance, Integrity and Anticorruption programs implementation, AML & FT; Whistleblowers Investigations Processes; Inclusion & Diversity programs Implementation, and Cibersecurity and Data Governance programs. Our Ad Honorem Executive Committee is integrated by 10 High Professionals from WIC (Women in Compliance Argentina), members and trainers for Alliance for Integrity AHK, Cámara de industria y Comercio Arg.- Alemana; Asociación Argentina de Etica y Compliance, y del instituto de Auditores Internos de Argentina. Our Goal is to contribute with Compliance Services to improve Companies Ethics , ABC Compliance Programs, with real committment. Reducing Corruption in LATAM we will reduce poverty. Our challenge: ODS 16 : Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. We are launching our APP Smart Women on August 2021, and looking for Tecnological Partners in order to develop a Digital Platform with high tech level, integrating A.I., RPA and machine learning . Helpways had a Personalized Services (on site) Platform until the Pandemia begun. was active since 2014. It was shut down and we are focused in a new one for Smart Women, considering that we cannot wait 200 years for Gender equality. This new one it will provide On site and On Line Services. We are sure that our network (millenials, Gen Z, Y, Baby Boomers and the Silver Generation) can change the Women future, with a strong work on that, developing a real Inclusion and Diversity wide concept Start Up. From Latam with Global target. Beyond the Glass Ceiling
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HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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MIT Digital Platform; Iso 37001 Certified AC Implementer & Auditor; Certified Independent Director, MBA Leadership & Sustainability


ASELA - Asociación de Emprendedores de Latinoamérica, Cámara de Comercio Italiana en Argentina, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina, WEConnect International, IAE Business School


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