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para calificar esta empresa
90 empleados
Fundada en 2011

Descripción de la empresa

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Developing innovative, beautiful, intuitive and brilliant products. To get there, we realized that every part of the team must be considered as a really important ingredient to accomplish a product that reflects Enthusiasm, compromise, Heart, creativity, and enjoyment. In consequence and as our main goal, every single fellow realizes that all the time we spend together is not what usually is known as a job. We count with three main groups. The technology team where developers, architects, and DB specialists create solutions of high quality and innovative for all requirements and challenges proposed. The creativity, research of great user experience solutions and beauties in design is part of the Art team daily labor where every day is a discovery of new ideas and new challenges are proposed. And last but not least, the digital marketing team creates great strategies helping all-new projects be well known for all targets defined for each product.
IndustrySector / Industria

Products and ServicesProductos y Servicios
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Información comercial

Oficinas en:

Estados Unidos, Colombia

Principales clientes:

Pfizer, Novartis, Mastercard, Interamerican Development Bank IDB, Takeda Laboratories, Johnson and Johnson, Davivienda Bank, Bancolombia Bank, International Bank of Puerto Rico, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia, Keralty.


SCRUM, PMP, Bizzpark Microsoft Partner, IOS developer, Android Developer


Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, PROCOLOMBIA

Material promocional:



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¿Qué significa este badge?

ConnectAmericas ha verificado que esta empresa está legalmente constituida y que las personas vinculadas a la empresa están habilitadas para hacer negocios.

¿Qué significa este badge?

ConnectAmericas ha verificado que esta empresa ha exportado servicios 1 veces en los últimos 12 meses.

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