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Use technology to become a more efficient business owner

Apps, tools and tips to successfully manage your company and time.

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Published by ConnectAmericas

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Today it’s possible to manage your time and company resources more efficiently thanks to a broad range of tools provided by technology, and often for free. Go for it! Apps only require little time to explore but promise great returns in productivity.   

Marketing, finances, client communications and agenda are only some of the areas where apps can provide support. For each use there are multiple alternatives that you can try until you discover the one that best adapts to your needs. Some are probably already installed in you device (computer, tablet, cell phone, etc.), or you can download them from virtual stores.

Below are two classical examples of business management apps:

  • Dropbox: enables cloud-based file management to access and transfer files from any computer or mobile device. It offers up to 2GB for free and allows you to recover old content from a file that has been modified or deleted. 
  • Hootsuite: is considered a great tool for monitoring brands on social media. It manages and programs publications to multiple social profiles from one place.  It also monitors comments and chats about your brand.

Much more than a phone

Always keep in mind that the small device that travels in your pant pocket, coat or purse is actually huge with respect to the benefits that you can obtain for being more efficient. Don’t miss the opportunity of your smartphone’s potential and turn it into an ally for your work!

Unlike a notebook or an agenda, you can use it to take notes in certain applications that synch so that you can access them from any other piece of equipment. Also, you can program reminders to meet delivery dates and agreements with your clients. You can also monitor and control expenses with tools that allow you to record categories with their respective budget amounts, expenditures and revenues. Most of these applications also include the possibility of exporting information to an Excel file, which allows you to perform a weekly, monthly or sales cycle analysis. 

The advantages of Google

The Internet giant globally known for its search engine also offers a wide range of tools that SMEs (small and medium-sized companies) can take advantage of to make their tasks easier and less costly. 

The advantage of its apps is that they offer the same user experience from all devices, operating systems and browsers. Google Reader, for instance, was designed to follow updates on online information and news sites of your interest, as well as to read blogs or websites that you follow.

Another tool is Google Hangouts that is used to make calls or video calls from your open Google account or email browser. It allows you to record conversations and publish them on YouTube or live broadcast sites; and to schedule video calls with others.   

If this subject holds your interest, you can read more on management and technology:

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