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Learn more about ConnectAmericas verification and Reliability Badges
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Published by ConnectAmericas

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Thank you for your interest in profile verification and Trust Badges. In this article, we will answer the following questions:

  • Why are companies verified on ConnectAmericas?
  • Does ConnectAmericas or the Inter-American Development Bank use or disclose my legal information to take tax actions?
  • How do I request verification for my company?
  • How do I request Trust Badges?
  • I requested my badge but I still don't see it on my profile.

Click here to see our frequently asked questions page. 

1. Why is it important to be verified at ConnectAmericas?

ConnectAmericas seeks to be a platform that promotes international business in a safe space. A legally constituted company generates more trust and demonstrates that it is enabled to develop its national and international commercial activity legally. Any company, constituted or not, can create its company profile on ConnectAmericas, but only those that are verified can benefit from the Supply Chain Program, with which we help buyers and sellers to find each other around business opportunities or purchase announcements

Click here for more information on ConnectAmericas verification and Trust Badges.

2. Does ConnectAmericas or the Inter-American Development Bank use or disclose my legal information to take tax actions?

 NO. Company information is protected by our privacy policy and is not disclosed to third parties.  

 3. How do I request verification for my company?

  • Hover over your name in the upper right corner - Select "Account Settings" - Go to the "Your Company" tab - Fill out the "Tax ID Number" field and attach an official document issued by the tax authority of your country, ministry of commerce, commerce secretariat, chamber of commerce or the competent entity responsible for the legal registration of companies in your country.
  • Then go to your company profile and select "Request verification". This process can take a couple of weeks as it is manually carried out by personnel at ConnectAmericas.

If you have not received verification for your company after 15 business days, please write to

4. How do I request Trust Badges?

  • To request the yellow badge for a Company based in a Free Trade Zone: The Association of Free Trade Zones of the Americas (AZFA) verifies that the company is located within a Free Trade Zone. Find out how to obtain this badge and additional information by clicking AQUÍ
  • To request the orange badge for a Company with verified certifications: ConnectAmericas verifies that the company possesses the declared certifications valid at the time of validation. Find out how to obtain this badge and additional information by clicking AQUÍ
  • To request the red badge for a Company with exporting experience of goods: ConnectAmericas verifies that the company has exported goods in the last 12 months. Find out how to obtain this badge and additional information by clicking AQUÍ.
  • To request the blue badge for a Company with exporting experience of services: ConnectAmericas verifies that the company has exported services in the last 12 months. Find out how to obtain this badge and additional information by clicking AQUÍ

Click here for further information on the reliability badges.

5. I requested my badge, but I still don't see it on my profile

The process of awarding badges requires a manual review of each request, therefore it may take a couple of days. If after 15 business days you still have not received your badge, please write to


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