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Design the new ConnectAmericas homepage!

Want your design to be on the ConnectAmericas homepage?  Participate in this contest!

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Published by ConnectAmericas

Send us a creative digital piece to illustrate the ConnectAmericas homepage.  We are looking for a photo, image, or drawing that reflects the ConnectAmericas spirit, something that identifies the dreams, expectations and moivations of SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

We want to be innovative and creative, let your imagination loose and send us your proposal for the ConnectAmericas homepage!

The image must be in PNG format and at least 2,000 x 2,000 pixels.  Only one submission will be accepted per participant.  To participate, you must be registered on ConnectAmericas.

We will chose the winning image among those that best interpreted the ConnectAmericas spirit and managed to communicate it in the most effective and innovative manner.

If you win, you will have the following benefits:

  1. Your proposal will be the image on the ConnectAmericas homepage for 90 days
  2. It will be shared among the ConnectAmericas members via email and social media posts

We will receive proposals until May 4th, 2016 at 6pm EST.  We will share who the winners are May 8th, 2016.  Send your proposal to:


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