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ConnectAmericas and big buyers join forces to support SMEs

ConnectAmericas, together with important companies such as DHL, CISCO, Bimbo Group, Softtek, Britt Group, Genexus and Arcos Dorados (McDonald's franchise) launched the tool “Made in the Americas”, an initiative to support the inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean in the value chains of the big buyers.

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Published by ConnectAmericas

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“To enter international value chains, SMEs must typically comply with very demanding international standards and practices. SMEs make up 90% of our companies and employ 50% of our work force. Through this program, we seek to assist and increase their competitiveness and impact on our economies,” stated Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), during a presentation within the framework of the CEO Summit of the Americas in Panama.

Made in the Americas is a service offered through, the IDB’s social network for businesses, where business owners can connect with potential clients, suppliers and investors from all over the world and access tools and practical information designed to help them carry out international transactions. 

Buyer companies joining the services offered by “Made in the Americas” can publish purchase notices and requirements before a global SME audience participating in ConnectAmericas; they can send messages to specific segments of the ConnectAmericas audience based on country of origin, sector and size; and they can propose and produce – with the support of IDB – learning contents and material to help more SMEs meet the standards required by these big buyers.

More information

Big buyers interested in participating in the Made in the Americas program can contact

Learn what Stephen Fenwick, CEO of DHL Express Americas, and Woods Staton, CEO and Chairman of Arcos Dorados, have to say about the new tool.

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