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Build The Americas: Infrastructure Linkages for Economic Recovery
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Published by ConnectAmericas

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Build The Americas is a unique space for the economic recovery of Latin America and the Caribbean in which the top infrastructure companies in the world will have the opportunity to network with companies in the region and develop infrastructure projects.

Don't miss this great opportunity to be leading the transformation of the infrastructure industry!

Watch the Virtual Launch of Build The Americas


  • Webinars with experts that will explored how the infrastructure supply of services is undergoing disruptive changes that will transform employment and supply chains in our region. Watch the recording here.
  • Details of 30 infrastructure tenders financed by the IDB that are essential for the economic recovery of our region. Covering 16 countries, the tenders will be launched in the next 2 years, for an amount exceeding US$ 1.75 billion. 

  • See here the fact sheets with detailed information about the tenders.

Watch the experts answer questions about the different tenders:

If you have more questions about Build The Americas write to


How can I stay in touch with companies in the region and find out about business opportunities?


If you have not been able to download the Build The Americas app with the code, click on Apple Store or Google Play

The mobile app (iOS and Android) provides information on all upcoming infrastructure acquisitions financed by the Bank in the region and facilitates the connection between infrastructure developers around the world and local suppliers of goods and services for each of these acquisitions. 

If you have any further questions about Build The Americas, please write to



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