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7 traits that define the profile of the 2015 entrepreneur

Learn more about the behaviors of those who venture out to start their own businesses.

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Published by ConnectAmericas

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Many studies seek to find a trend or a profile of the entrepreneur. Although each individual is different, common denominators have been found in their behavior, in their way of doing things and in their attitude towards business. 

These are some of the most noticeable features of the profile of the entrepreneur:

  • Initial impulse: Their motivation is typically generated by different professional, personal, emotional and financial reasons, among others. There is always an initial spark that causes them to leave their comfort zone and do something different than what they were doing.
  • Capabilities: In order for that initial impulse to translate into a project, that is to go from idea to action and above all to survive the attempt, requires certain skills that can be acquired or developed. It comes easier to some than to others but they all have the ability of seeing new things or making them in a different way and the capacity to carry it out.
  • Creativity: They possess a spectacular and very unusual dose of innovation that they combine with determination and the ability to communicate. These are the elements that make them so special and outstanding, which are a result of the determination with which they face certain situations and how they address them since these are not part of a genetic code.   
  • Entrepreneurial spirit: Being an entrepreneur is not the same thing as being a business owner. A business owner is associated with the ownership or possession of a company while the entrepreneur, from an anthropological and ethical point of view, implies having spirit of enterprise. Many individuals that are business owners do not have this spirit, while others who do have it do not necessarily work at a company. 
  • Ambidextrous cognitive ability: It is a way of thinking and acting that is characterized by the flexibility of alternating between prediction and creativity. Prediction is based on the analysis of the use of existing information and it works better with low levels of uncertainty. The creative aspect consists of taking measures to generate data that did not previously exist or was inaccessible, in environments of extreme uncertainty. 
  • Leadership: The main challenge is to create an organization that has an entrepreneurial mentality as part of the routine. A successful entrepreneurial leader is one that takes for granted that the success of the business is about a continuous search of new opportunities; when each and every one feels that they not only have the right but the obligation to seek new opportunities and make them happen; when people come exited to work and when they are proud of being part of a dynamic organization.
  • Aspirations: Those that reflect the qualitative nature of the entrepreneurial activity and have a direct impact on same. They reflect the potential and quality of the project with respect to process and product innovation, opening of new markets, job creation and internationalization.

If this subject holds your interest, check out these other articles on Entrepreneurship 2015:

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