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Food and Beverage

3 Tips How to Enter the German Market

Niklas Kesseler

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Published by ConnectAmericas

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Germany is the largest economy in Europe and is ranked as the fourth-largest economy in the world. It is known for its research and development (R&D), in which it invests around 80 billion euros a year.

As a result of the pandemic, the global economy and the German economy went into recession. However, as of June 2021, with the fast rollout of vaccination and other protective measures to fight the pandemic, Germany managed to navigate its way out of the crisis. Therefore, this is a great time to consider entering the German market.

The German market offers excellent opportunities for suppliers of food and beverage products and companies in the IT sector. In this article, we will describe three tips that make it easier to enter the German market.

Certifications, Culture, and Geography

Germany prides itself on careful planning and rigorous quality control. Do not worry! This is an opportunity for your company to obtain certifications that will allow it to enter the European market as a whole.

It is vital for food and beverage providers to follow European guidelines. Germany is a member state of the European Union and follows European agricultural policies. The "Bio-Siegel" (organic seal) can be used to label products and foods that have been produced and controlled by EU legislation for organic agriculture. These legal regulations at the EU level guarantee uniform standards for organic agriculture. The organic seal thus represents organic production and animal welfare. For more information on Bio-Siegel, click here.

For IT services, certifications will differ depending on the services provided. For example, if your company offers software testing, it is almost essential that some team members are ISTQB certified. However, it is even more important for technology providers to identify the key selling points of their services. To do so, you must ...

Understand German Business Culture

German business culture is very different from Latin America. German culture is more reserved, which means that private matters are discussed, but only to break the ice. 

To do business in Germany, punctuality, accuracy, and efficiency are much more critical. 

Learn about German geography

Geography also plays an important role. Germany is quite heterogeneous, with different industries being located in other regions of the country. In addition, regional economic performances and traditions vary significantly from one federal state to another. That is why it is crucial to identify the best strategic location for the product and service you are offering. 

For example, suppose you are looking to sell sustainable products. In that case, Berlin is always worth keeping an eye on because the purchasing power is relatively high, and people are open to new things. On the other hand, your potential business partners may be in Munich, Darmstadt, Hamburg, or even Berlin if you sell IT services. This is because these are the cities with the most robust infrastructure for information and communication technologies. has compiled a list of industries in Germany and their geographic locations. This list can help determine where to find business partners and where to enter the German market, depending on your sector.




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