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300 employees
Established in 2000

Company description

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SynapseIndia has been in the IT industry since 2000. SynapseIndia is regarded as one of the Top Rated Web & Mobile app development Company in India, SynapseIndia has a large team of more than 300 professionals working on various platforms. With Start of the art development centers in India and the USA, SynapseIndia has delivered well over 10,000 projects with clientele across all segments ranging from Startups, SMEs as well as Enterprise clients such as PayPal, Steve Madden, YMCA, UNICEF, Indian Army, Bata, DNG, Johnson & Johnson etc. SynapseIndia specializes in Ecommerce solutions and business applications. Services: • Website Development (.NET, MEAN, MERN PHP, Frameworks) • CMS Solutions (WordPress, Drupal, Umbraco, Kentico) • Cloud Solutions ( Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services) • Online Store Development (Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento Commerce, BigCommerce, Opencart) • Mobile App Development (iPhone, Android, Xamarin, React Native, Swift, Kotlin) • CRM Solutions (Open Source CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM) • Software Development Awards & Recognitions: • Shopify Partner • BigCommerce Partner • Microsoft Gold Partner • Drupal Partner • Google Partner • Kentico Partner • Certified by RedHat Linux • Xamarin Certified Developers • iOS certified Developers • YPO Member • EO Member Facts & Figures: • Into the business Since 2000 • ISO 9001:2015 Certified • State of the art development offices • CMMi Level3 Standards • Source Code Delivery to Clients with Intellectual Property Rights
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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USA, United Kingdom, Australia, India

Main customers:

PayPal, YMCA, Johnson & Johnson, Bata, UNICEF, Steve Madden


ISO 9001:2015, Xamarin Certified Developers, Microsoft Gold Partner, Drupal Organization Member


EO Network

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